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Creates and populates a Table Element with data.


#include "SaRnHtml.h"
void SaPopulateTableAll(Widget list, 
				XtPointer client_data, 
				SaCallbackStruct *cbs);


Not used.
Pointer to a string used as the Caption of the Table Element.
SaCallbackStruct callback structure containing the data.

Return Values



Creates and populates a Table element with data. Note: Not all HTML browsers support the Table Element. When using this call through use of the Object Bind Editor and/or an HTML template, the template fragment should look like this:

This call does not assume that the Table Element is declared in the HTML template. This call will fill in the Table Column Headers with the Column labels returned by the Data Object, and will produce one table row for each row in cbs. The client_data should be a pointer to a string which is used as the table element's caption.

Note: It may not make much sense "populating" a table element in a ##Sa_BeginLoop## and ##Sa_EndLoop## section, since this will make a table element of one row for each returned row in cbs. This would not give the desired appearance. There would be one Table per row instead of all rows in one Table.


/*** the following ad-hoc example can be used without templates 
SaCallbackStruct *cbs;
cbs = SaExecSQL("CEZANNE", "pubs2", SGESYBASE, "select * from 
/***** print html headers *****/
SaPopulateTableAll(NULL, "Authors Info", cbs);
/*** print out end of html headers ***/
Note: This call is generated automatically by Sapphire/Web through use of the Results Detail Dialog.

See Also

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