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Framework Parameters

Please note that some parameters only work with the master view. Some only work with the detail views. Some only work with the Sapphire Java Data Control.Some parameters can be used to affect the master view and all detail views, unless overridden in or directed to a particular detail view. Finally, some parameters only work with a particular view class. This will be pointed out in the parameter descriptions where appropriate.
Name Description Ref. Page
argStr Specifies additional detail for the "rsurl" 6-13
colspecFCheck Specifies a field validation operation 6-14
colspecFormat Specifies a data format operation 6-16
colspecLabel Specifies the label to use for a column name in the default Sapphire Framework text views Sa.SaComRowSet and Sa.SaPopRowSet 6-18
delCols Specifies the columns to send for a delete operation 6-19
delUrl A URL specifying the remote process for delete operations 6-20
indexCols Specifies columns to use to build a scrolled list navigation element of a row set's rows 6-44
inPlaceN Specifies the whether a detail will be a pop-up detail or a component placed under the master component 6-45
insCols Specifies the columns to send for an insert operation. 6-46
insUrl Specifies the remote process for insert operations 6-47
labelN Specifies the label used for the detail's popup button 6-49
maxDetailHeight Sets the max height needed across all in-place details. 6-53
rsArgsN Specifies the columns to use as drill down parameters for a detail 6-62
rsdata Embeds the data statically in the Java classes 6-64
rsurl URL specifying the data source for a view 6-65
rsview Specifies the name of a view class to use for a master or detail view 6-66
sabgc Specifies the background color to use for a master and/or detail view classes 6-67
safgc Specifies the foreground color to use for a master and/or detail view classes 6-92
sahelp Specifies a URL for a "help" file 6-96
searchLab Specifies the prompt string of a search dialog for search operations 6-115
titleColsN Specifies additional information to be appended to a detail's popup title or in-place label 6-128
titleN Specifies the string used for the detail's popup title or in-place label 6-129
updCols Specifies the columns to send for an update operation. 6-130
updUrl Specifies the remote process for update operations 6-131
updWhere Specifies the columns to send for an update operation 6-132

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