CoCreate Backgrounder
On Nov. 1, 1996, HP converted its Mechanical Design Division
to a wholly owned software subsidiary company named CoCreate, a
company dedicated to providing the high-quality software
solutions for mechanical design and product-data- management that
enable what the new subsidiary calls "co-creation."
CoCreate Software will supply customers, including HP, with
products developed and marketed globally under its own brand and
The Concept of Co-creation
Quality, cost and time to market have long been critical
factors for virtually all companies competing in the market.
Today, however, these factors are taking on a new dimension as
companies are forced to change not what they do, but how they do
it. Why? Because, today, virtually every customer need
imaginable can be served by many different products, which means
that only those products with superior product value will
Companies must not only innovate, but innovate more
regularly -- taking the luck out of product generation and
building in reliable, reproducible processes. Companies must
shift from creating products competitively to creating
competitive products competitively. Product-generation tools
must foster an inclusive product-generation and services
environment. This environment must be able to incorporate
expertise and knowledge from various sources in a direct form and
encourage exploration and evolution of a myriad of ideas -- all
without sacrificing time to market, cost and product quality.
This is the process of co-creation. It's more than data
sharing: It's shared minds and space, a common platform that's
understood by all, utilizing a common language that leaves little
room for misinterpretation.
It is CoCreate's goal to create a product-generation
environment that leverages talent and know-how across time and
distance by letting engineers -- and even suppliers and customers
-- easily and dynamically modify designs, share information and
explore new ideas while managing all of the interactions.
Fundamental Technologies
CoCreate has taken the lead in the creation of this new
product-generation environment. It already has developed a
number of its key components, including the following:
- technologies such as dynamic modeling for creating and modifying designs irrespective of the design history,
thereby making modifying and contributing to product design substantially easier;
- dynamic conferencing for continuous communication, allowing contributors to work simultaneously in the same
virtual world;
- tools that allow team members to browse and simultaneously access all relevant product-model
information, regardless of its location or stage of the product-development process;
- workflow and product-data-management solutions that work across the entire life cycle of a product, to coordinate and manage the formal and informal phases in the co-creation process;
- prepackaged know-how in the form of advisors, allowing all design members access to specialized knowledge and expertise; and
- open interfaces for integrating leading solutions from CoCreate's business partners.
Focused on Co-creation Solutions
HP is known as a leading global manufacturer of computing,
communications and measurement products and services. CoCreate
will benefit from adopting a separate identity and brand since it
intends to become known as a leading global developer of software
products exclusively and known for its excellence in quality
software solutions for the mechanical-design and
product-data-management requirements of a co-creative
product-generation environment.
With its structure finely tuned to the needs of a software
provider, CoCreate will be able to adapt quickly to the demands
of the application software market. The focus of R&D processes
will be solely to deliver software products. Multiplatform
support will be achieved more quickly, and profits will be
directed more effectively to what matters most for a leading-edge
software company -- research and development for new products.
CoCreate -- Best of Both Worlds
CoCreate sees its transition from an HP division as a way to
create "the best of both worlds." Customers' rapidly changing
needs now will be met by a dedicated software provider structured
to focus on their business requirements and aligned with the
strength, global reach and high-quality support of one of the
world's leading computer companies, HP. In this way, CoCreate
will be able to meet marketplace needs with the agility of a
dedicated operation.
CoCreate and HP executive management see CoCreate as a
long-term investment; HP's own product-development teams will now
depend on the ability of CoCreate, just as they have depended on
the Mechanical Design Division in the past.
Headquarters and Sales Teams
CoCreate will have its European Headquarters in
Sindelfingen, Germany and its North American Headquarters in Fort
Collins, Colo. Sales-force activities will continue in more
than 20 countries worldwide through existing relationships with
more than 300 resellers, complemented by CoCreate's own direct
sales force.
CoCreate's Structure Prior to the Conversion
Before Nov. 1, HP's 2-D and 3-D design, drafting and
documentation systems and product-data-management solutions were
developed and marketed through HP's Mechanical Design Division,
which was established in 1985.
These design systems guide the entire product-development
process, from design through manufacturing. They help customers
develop better products faster and help them gain the competitive
edge needed to succeed in a highly competitive economy. These
systems integrate software and services across multiple platforms
and, like all HP products, adhere to the highest industry
standards and quality levels.
HP -- One of CoCreate's Key Customers
HP has more than 3,500 users of CoCreate's MCAD products,
3,000 users of its product-data-management products in all HP
product divisions and thousands more accessing the
product-data-management software via the Web. HP has combined
CoCreate's products with re-engineering activities to build one
of the leading MCAD development environments in the world.
Almost 75 percent of HP's new designs are being done in solid
modeling, removing 2-D documentation from the critical
development path, sharing design data in teams over electronic
media and integrating a variety of complementary design
applications and paperless prototyping. Results have included a
significant reduction in product-development time and significant
improvements in product quality. MDD, as a division of HP, and
HP's Corporate Engineering Department partnered to develop
innovative product implementations -- for example, SheetAdvisor
-- and spearheaded co-creation in product-generation processes
and product development.
Development Centers
CoCreate has development centers in Europe and in the United
States. MCAD product development is based in Sindelfingen,
Germany and product-data-management development is centered in
Fort Collins.
Installed Base
CoCreate's existing installed customer base includes more
than 90,000 seats -- excluding HP -- many of which are equipped
with more than one of the CoCreate software solutions.
Channel Success
CoCreate has been successful in selling through a
combination of indirect and direct channels. The CoCreate
resellers are experienced partners that deliver quality solutions
and support to their customers.
Market Position
According to a 1996 International Data Corporation ranking
of mechanical CAD software vendors, HP [CoCreate] holds the No. 6
market position worldwide. For the same period, an International
Data Corporation ranking of product-data-management software
vendors that are also MCAD/CAE/CAM vendors, HP [CoCreate] holds
the No. 3 market position worldwide. In a 1996 CIMdata ranking
of product-data-management and enterprise-data-management
vendors, HP [CoCreate] holds the No. 6 market position worldwide.
Target Market
The core technology focus of CoCreate is 2-D design, 3-D
solid modeling and product-data-management. The strategy is to
understand and address the needs of mechanical designers in the
electronic, electrical equipment- and industrial-machinery
industries. It is in these industries that breakthroughs in
product value can be generated by integrating the mechanical and
electronic portions of the design process. These highly
competitive markets require constant innovation. They represent
a broad range of product types: photographic equipment, medical
instruments, navigation equipment, electronic components,
computers and office equipment, industrial controls,
electronic-wiring equipment, relays, electric distribution,
fabricated metals, and industrial and commercial machinery. The
goal is to deliver solutions that address all of the key design
requirements of these target customers.
Product Overview
To meet this goal, CoCreate provides a complete
product-modeling environment. The decentralized approach of
CoCreate systems enables all product-development groups --
including sketching, design, simulation, prototyping, technical
documentation, testing and manufacturing -- to work co-creatively
as an efficient and effective heterogeneous team. Unlike more
traditional product-modeling environments that rigidly divide
specific tasks into separate departments, CoCreate's products
unify tasks and intelligently guide the user, enabling a designer
to make modifications -- including changes required by
manufacturing or ideas from other sources of knowledge -- early
on in the design process. With these data-management and
workflow capabilities, information can be accessed throughout the
organization as needed.
The solid-modeling system features the following:
- the ease of use previously experienced only on 2-D systems
- key features: efficient user interface, engineering-specific commands.
- key benefit: lower training cost, increased productivity.
- dynamic modeling technology
- key features: non-history-based design technology (dynamic modeling), standards-based (ACIS and STEP).
- key benefit: offers the designer the freedom to modify easily, share and reuse data at any time in
the design process without being forced into a rigid process by underlying system rules and data-creation
- open solutions, integrating into existing environments
- key features: standards-based (IGES, ACIS (SAT), STEP) and dynamic-modeling technology.
- key benefit: integration with existing environments or customized environment possible; coexistence with
other design systems.
- specific link to a solution for sheet-metal design
- key features: knowledge-based system offering manufacturing, cost and material information at the
design stage.
- key benefit: enables designing for manufacturability, reducing cost and time for design
modifications by avoiding design errors at the earliest stage.
- ME-EE link for integrated design
- key features: integrated PCB data link to Mentor graphics provides direct data transfer between Mentor
Graphics Board Station software and SolidDesigner. PCB layout data and components, as well as supporting
information, such as the board outline, keep-out and height-restriction areas, component shapes and
locations, can be defined in SolidDesigner and exchanged between the systems in both. Imported PCB
layout data and the components are used to generate solid models and can be automatically assembled to a
solid PCB within SolidDesigner. This allows visualization of the electrical and mechanical
components, and enables designers to perform collision checks with fit analysis. A full library
of standard Mentor Graphics components is provided with the link, eliminating time-consuming creation of
these components.
- key benefit: PCB data link enables integration of mechanical and electrical product development.
Products with both mechanical and electrical components can be designed and developed
concurrently, and the task of interpreting and re-entering information for product development is
eliminated. Time-consuming iteration loops are eliminated.
3-D Viewing, Annotation and Conferencing
- New modules that work with the enhanced Solid Designer software
- key features: lets engineers work simultaneously in the same virtual world across time and distance
through video conferencing.
- key benefit: next-generation product-development environment that will enable engineers to work
co-creatively across time and distance. Engineers can easily and dynamically modify designs, share
information and explore new ideas while staying focused on the critical business issues of quality,
cost and time-to-market.
ME10 Designer
- a 2-D design, drafting and documentation tool
- key features: advisory components such as context-sensitive cursor, dimension-driven
modifications, associative data structure, automated drawing-revision control, dimension-advisor
- key benefits: optimized design processes for process, reduction in design time and better-quality
- key feature: mature products in the market for almost 10 years.
- key benefit: proven technology.
- key features: efficient user interface, engineering terminology.
- key benefits: lower training cost, faster ramp to full productivity.
- key feature: specific mechanical-design focus, for example, parts concept to model assemblies.
- key benefit: fast and efficient mechanical product design.
A proven state-of-the-art product-data (PDM) and integrated workflow-management system, providing the following:
- Data management
- key features: supports the entire product lifecycle by providing a single, logical repository for all
data. For example, it maintains a complete product-data description, including revisions of and
relationships between data of different origin, format and purpose. Powerful search, query and
retrieval capabilities speed access to information.
- key benefit: can improve productivity, quality and reduce costs by ensuring that everyone can access the
most up-to-date product information, at the right time, in the right place and in the right format,
regardless of location.
- Graphical workflow management
- key features: workflow system automates and manages small to enterprisewide processes with diverse
environments. Its flexibility enables it to handle both unstructured or highly formal processes, as well
as combinations of the two. It provides the following:
- graphical process creation;
- graphical process status monitoring and intervention;
- powerful process flow control; and
- control over process data as well as process flow.
- key benefits: flexibility makes it possible for WorkManager's workflow to provide process-management
benefits for the full product lifecycle, from design through production. Workflow users obtain benefits
in these areas:
- improved process visibility and repeatability;
- improved coordination among all process participants; and
- access to process statistics to make better management decisions.
- Unsurpassed flexible and customizable environment
- key features: highly tailorable, enabling organizations to personalize the system for their
needs. WorkManager's multiplatform support provides interoperability across heterogeneous systems and
networks. WorkManager's powerful macro language provides an easy method for customers and systems
integrators to build custom solutions, integrate new applications and augment the standard system with
special capabilities, such as corporate business rules.
- key benefit: increases productivity of endusers. It ensures that WorkManager will fit into any
pre-existing environment.
- Integrated solution environment
- key features: full power of WorkManager is focused to provide a common environment for all
design-oriented applications. WorkManager for Workgroups takes the power of WorkManager and expands
it to produce a workgroup-oriented system. This system tightly integrates the 2-D drafting and
documentation software ME10, and SolidDesigner by supplying strong document management and
bill-of-materials and classification capabilities.
- key benefits: delivers a ready-to-use solution that significantly shortens implementation time and
provides a consistent user environment for all application integrations.
- Dedicated solid-modeling design solution for sheet-metal parts
- key features: dedicated sheet-metal commands, such as hems, lips and offsets, for rapid creation of
sheet metal. Automatic creation of bend and corner reliefs.
- key benefits: great time savings and helps avoid errors.
- Design-for-manufacturability checks at design stage
- key features: design guidance and checks at the initial design stage, warning designers of
manufacturing rule violations in the design (for example, punch holes that will be deformed during the
bending process).
- key benefits: significant increase in ready-to-manufacture products with reduced
design-correction cycles and reduced cost.
- On-line cost estimation
- key features: considers material type; surface finish; setup and run times; and the number of tool
changes, bends and punch/stamp operations.
- key benefit: provides engineers with instant comparative costing. This enables them to make
cost-conscious decisions on design variations at the design stage.
- Complete manufacturing information
- key features: accurate 3-D solid model of the sheet-metal part, complete with all information
necessary to calculate a flat bank to exact dimensions, is available in seconds. All relevant
manufacturing information, such as bending information and tools used, is attached and
considered in the flat.
- key benefit: production can work directly from the flat and can start programming the numerical-control
tool path immediately. This speeds the design cycle significantly.
A complete and open CAD solution for electromechanical design and
engineering in machinery and plant design.
- Circuit-diagram design with on-line advisors to avoid short circuits
- provides complete design documentation, on-line cross-referencing, is customizable and supports
standards and interfaces. Product solution is supported on all major hardware platforms and comes
with a predefined component and symbol library.
- Cabinet layout that leverages design data from circuit diagram to eliminate errors within the engineering
- provides automatic placement of components and routing of cables according to DfM rules, on-line
checks for placement and routing and wiring, leverages design information between ME10 and DDS-C
(for example, front-panel design), calculation of cable length and interfaces to cable-processing
- Add-on modules for PLC programming, design configuration
- key benefits: fast and complete generation of designs with improved quality. The common database
and sharing of design information enable a multiuser (concurrent engineering) environment for
electromechanical-design tasks. DfM reduces the number of prototypes and ensures high quality even
within the first design cycle. Openness gives the customer the ability to integrate DDS-C into existing
environments (for example, MRP), while all design information can be used across all subsidiaries for
product development, manufacturing and maintenance.
Openess and Standards
CoCreate's product strategy is to provide an open and flexible environment that permits integration into and
coexistence with existing design environments -- as well as with complementary applications -- and enables re-use of design data. All of the product implementations demonstrate a strong commitment to industry standards such as STEP, IGES, DXF and SAT.
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