Cosmo Player VRML 2.0 Browser
Join the 3D Web Revolution!

The Cosmos of interactive 3D on the Web is now open to you. Cosmo Player lets you experience engaging VRML 2.0 worlds on your PC without any 3D graphics hardware acceleration. Just download Cosmo Player as a plug-in to your Web browser and you can access the power of VRML 2.0.

Install Cosmo Player!

Cosmo Player for IRIX 5.3 off of the Web.

Cosmo Player for IRIX 6.2 and above off of this CD.

Cosmo Player for Windows NT/Windows '95 off of the Web.

Cosmo Player Features

  • Interactive 3D worlds with VRML 2.0 for scripts, sensors and sound!
  • Constant frame rates for smooth interaction with large worlds
  • Intuitive navigation through the dashboard and viewpoints
  • 3D Spatialized audio for presence in the virtual world using Media Technology from Intel
  • Embedded audio and video to enliven the virtual world
  • High-performance visual simulation technologies

System Requirements

  • OS: Windows95, WindowsNT, IRIX (5.3 or 6.2)
  • Platform: Intel PC, Silicon Graphics
  • Browser: Netscape Navigator 2.0 or greater, Microsoft Internet Explorer 3.0
  • Recommended PC: Pentium processor, 16MB RAM and 16bit color

    Supports Industry Standards as Defined

    Cosmo Player doesn't just claim support for Moving Worlds, it supports VRML 2.0 as defined by the VRML architecture group. This means that content you create for Cosmo Player will be supported cross-platform and cross-browser according to industry standards. Cosmo Player also supports VRML 1.0 so you can still experience content authored before the interactive 3D revolution.

    Takes Silicon Graphics Technology Cross-Platform

    When Silicon Graphics brought VRML 1.0 to the Web, browsers were focused on presenting and walking through a static scene. Moving Worlds VRML 2.0 shifts the focus from simple rendering to scalable worlds, behavior, and interactive objects. Cosmo Player builds on years of experience developing object-oriented 3D simulation libraries and applications like Performer and Open Inventor to allow users to navigate through large-scale virtual environments at a constant frame rate. These capabilities open up a new realm of content and applications for the Web like virtual showrooms, 3D advertising, online gaming and cybercities. On corporate intranets, cross-platform 3D collaboration, inter-department data sharing, physical plant management, and database visualization are now possible.

    Cosmo Player is designed to extract optimal performance on all supported platforms, from personal computers to Silicon Graphics workstations. This makes Cosmo Player the ideal target platform for your interactive 3D Hypermedia content and applications.