Silicon Junction is a global information system available to all SGI employees and contractors, regardless of where they're located. All of SGI's work force can be brought closer together through the power and speed of the Internet. This helps us know what's going on in the engineering group across the hall or the sales team across the ocean.
Silicon Junction is a corporate newspaper. It delivers news about SGI events and products much faster than printed media. Whether it's a visit from Michael Jackson or Steven Spielberg, or the introduction of the fastest graphics system in the world, chances are you'll read about it first in Silicon Junction.
Silicon Junction is a gateway to the World Wide Web. It contains hyperlinks (sections of text on a web page that envoke other web pages when clicked on) that point to some of the most interesting sites on the Internet. You can access today's news in the Wall St. Journal or see what classes are offered by the English Department at U.C. Berkeley.
Silicon Junction is a productivity tool. You can use it to find the phone numbers of employees at remote locations or request a new light for your office.
Silicon Junction is not available to the outside world or to casual surfers on the Internet. A special network router called the "firewall" prevents people who aren't part of the SGI network from viewing web pages on Silicon Junction. SGI uses a separate web system called Silicon Surf to promote our products and culture to the rest of the Internet.
Please give us as much lead time as possible (2 - 3 days). Documents in any format other than HTML will require an additional day to be converted.
All documents should have a revision date and contact person listed at the bottom of each page. There should be a working email address using the "mailto:" HREF next to the name of the contact person.
New web sites that may be of interest to the general SGI community may be highlighted on the Junction Home Page for 2 or 3 days in order to bring this site to the attention of those people who might benefit from it.
Requests concerning personal Home Pages should be sent to the webmaster of the Reality system.
Revised July 29, 1996. Send suggestions to (Webmaster Name)