Name | Definition | Abbrev |
Gross Price | Gross price as shown on individual lines of orders or invoices, before discounts are applied. Shown in US currency. Note: This can be modified at Order Entry time and does not necessarily match List Price. | Gross |
Discount ($) | Discounted dollars calculated from the difference between Gross Price and Net Dollars. Shown in US currency. | Disc $ |
Discount (%) | Discounted percentage calculated from the Discount ($) divided by Gross Price. | Disc % |
Net Dollars | Net dollars as shown on individual lines of orders or invoices. Shown in US currency. | Net |
Qty | Quantity/Units from any line item regardless of whether it is a system or non-system. | Qty |
System Qty | Quantity/Units from line items that are systems (i.e. system flag is set to "yes"). | Sys |
ASP | Average selling price calculated from Net Dollars divided by Quantity. Shown in US currency. | ASP |
Name | Definition | Abbrev |
Beginning B/L | Beginning backlog expressed at the beginning of a fiscal quarter. | BegBL |
Bookings | Products on order but not invoiced. Includes orders on hold. | Book |
Billings | Products that have been invoiced. | Bill |
Current Qtr Shippable B/L | Products free of order holds and shipment holds requested for delivery in the current fiscal quarter. | CurShipBL |
Current Qtr Unshippable B/L | Products on order hold or shipment hold requested for delivery in the current fiscal quarter. | CurUnshipBL |
Total Current Qtr B/L | All products requested for shipment in the current fiscal quarter, regardless of hold status. Calculated by summing up Current Qtr Shippable B/L and Current Qtr Unshippable B/L. | TotCurBL |
Future Qtr Shippable B/L | Products free of order holds and shipment holds requested for delivery outside of the current fiscal quarter. | FutShipBL |
Future Qtr Unshippable B/L | Products on order hold or shipment hold requested for delivery outside the current fiscal quarter. | FutUnshipBL |
Total Future Qtr B/L | All products requested for shipment outside the current fiscal quarter, regardless of hold status. Calculated by summing together Future Qtr Shippable B/L and Future Qtr Unshippable B/L. | TotFutBL |
Total Ending B/L | All products that are currently on backlog, regardless of requested ship date and hold status. | TotEndBL |