MYOB Light

Easy Web Access to Silicon Graphics Sales Data

Data Definitions

Data Values

The following values can be applied to all the Bookings, Billings, and Backlog elements.

Name Definition Abbrev
Gross Price Gross price as shown on individual lines of orders or invoices, before discounts are applied. Shown in US currency. Note: This can be modified at Order Entry time and does not necessarily match List Price. Gross
Discount ($) Discounted dollars calculated from the difference between Gross Price and Net Dollars. Shown in US currency. Disc $
Discount (%) Discounted percentage calculated from the Discount ($) divided by Gross Price. Disc %
Net Dollars Net dollars as shown on individual lines of orders or invoices. Shown in US currency. Net
Qty Quantity/Units from any line item regardless of whether it is a system or non-system. Qty
System Qty Quantity/Units from line items that are systems (i.e. system flag is set to "yes"). Sys
ASP Average selling price calculated from Net Dollars divided by Quantity. Shown in US currency. ASP

Bookings, Billings, Backlog Elements

The following elements can be applied to any of the Data Values above.

Name Definition Abbrev
Beginning B/L Beginning backlog expressed at the beginning of a fiscal quarter. BegBL
Bookings Products on order but not invoiced. Includes orders on hold. Book
Billings Products that have been invoiced. Bill
Current Qtr Shippable B/L Products free of order holds and shipment holds requested for delivery in the current fiscal quarter. CurShipBL
Current Qtr Unshippable B/L Products on order hold or shipment hold requested for delivery in the current fiscal quarter. CurUnshipBL
Total Current Qtr B/L All products requested for shipment in the current fiscal quarter, regardless of hold status. Calculated by summing up Current Qtr Shippable B/L and Current Qtr Unshippable B/L. TotCurBL
Future Qtr Shippable B/L Products free of order holds and shipment holds requested for delivery outside of the current fiscal quarter. FutShipBL
Future Qtr Unshippable B/L Products on order hold or shipment hold requested for delivery outside the current fiscal quarter. FutUnshipBL
Total Future Qtr B/L All products requested for shipment outside the current fiscal quarter, regardless of hold status. Calculated by summing together Future Qtr Shippable B/L and Future Qtr Unshippable B/L. TotFutBL
Total Ending B/L All products that are currently on backlog, regardless of requested ship date and hold status. TotEndBL

Comments to: MYOB Light Team