Welcome to Pole Vault - The IMSD Document Server.
The currently available tools are:
AVL Query tool - To search for Vendor Names and Commercial Part
CRU Query tool - To search for CSO Customer Replaceable Units.
ECO Query tool - To display selected ECO's.
Indented Bom Query tool - To display and search indented Boms.
Indented Where Used Query tool - To display and search indented
Where used.
Part Query tool -
To search for parts and display Boms/Where used.
Preview Query tool - To search for prereleased vault documentation.
Reference Designator Query tool - Search for Component Part given
Parent Part and Reference Designator.
Sales Order Query tool - To search for Sales Orders.
Vault Query tool - To search vault documentation.
Would you like to get a
Compressed PostScript WhitePaper (~550KB) on Pole Vault. After
downloading, you can unpack the documentation anywhere you like with
the following command:
zcat whiteppr.tar.Z | tar xf -
lp whiteppr.ps
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