A629-MIT - VME ARINC-629 Interface

The A629-MT is a full feature ARINC-629 interface for use in SGI machines with a VME I/O bus and an IRIX/VxWorks operating system environment. The interface provides simultaneous functionality as a Multiple Terminal Emulator AND Bus Monitor/Analyzer. Comprehensive Error Injection, Error Detection and Time Stamping to an accuracy of 1 miro-second are provided.

Multiple ARINC-629 interfaces can be installed in an SGI host or in an external Masters ADS-3000 I/O system. The ADS-3000 X-Windows User Interface System provides a complete GUI environment for constructing and managing ARINC-629 emulating scenarios, data monitoring, data recording and analysis.

Walter F. Muller

Vice President
Masters Aerospace & Systems Group, Inc.
130 McCormick Avenue
Unit 113
Costa Mesa, CA 92626
714-437-0595 (fax)