The Kurta XLC® is a large format digitizer for use in CAD, GIS, mapping and other environments. The XLC is a complete workstation with built-in holder for source documents, pencil tray and a choice of four sizes. Its high-quality construction ensures the tablet surface won't mar, delaminate or wrap. Larger models require stands. Avaliable pointing devices include a corded 3-button pen, corded 4-button cursor and corded 16-button cursor. The XLC emulates all major large-scale digitizers and allows users to quickly change from DOS or Windows® to AutoCAD® or other applications through the integration of Kurt's mouse and ADI® drivers. Macintosh® and Sun® applications also supported.

Tom Bass

National Account Manager
ALTEK Corporation
12210 Plum Orchard
Silver Spring, MD 20904
301-572-2510 (fax)

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