PCMS*CTS: Change Tracking System

PCMS*CTS: An industrial strength solution for developments providing integrated process based configuration management, change control, and version management for software, documentation and hardware engineering projects.

PCMS*CTS can comprehensively organize and manage all problem, change and defect control activities to software, hardware and documentation assets in a well-defined and visible manner.

Change is managing problems and changes or we might say opportunities enterprise wide. When change occurs we want to be informed so that we are in a position to assess ist impact and plan ahead. We need to allocate resources, decide in our organizational work groups how the tasks are going to be done, who will do them, what impact there will be, who will take responsibility for them, how they will be approved; and the important one - how they will be tracked and progressed through to completion. Concurrent CTS users can work across your heterogenous UNIX, VMS and PC networks.

Michael Di Nola

Public Relations and Sales
SQL Software
8500 Leesburg Pike
Suite 405
Vienna, VA 22182
703-760-0446 (fax)