
PCMS*HelpBench is designed to support the Help Desk functions of recording, and managing the closure of incidents through a process workflow.

PCMS*HelpBench is fully integrated with the PCMS product family. Incidents can be escalated into an enhancement requests or defect reports that are stored within PCMS as change-documents. Alarms and escalations within PCMS*HelpBench trigger mail notification to the key engineers responsible for the identified product line. Engineering can work on the corresponding change, feedback is provided back to the Help Desk on the status of the change and its current availability. Improved customer satisfaction and reduced cycle times of incident closure result. In addition, sales and marketing can request enhancements and retrieve product update information via PCMS*HelpBench.

Michael Di Nola

Public Relations and Sales
SQL Software
8500 Leesburg Pike
Suite 405
Vienna, VA 22182
703-760-0446 (fax)