Versant ODBMS(TM)

Versant Object Technology Corporation is the industry's leading provider of object database management systems (ODBMS(TM)) for multi-user, distributed environments. Versant offers the industry's most complete product line and reduces the cost of creating complex applications, enabling the development of next-generation applications that are difficult or impossible to build using traditional database management technologies.

VERSANT ODBMS(TM) is a high-performance ODBMS(TM) specifically designed to support multi-user, production applications in distributed environments. Versant is built within a scalable distributed architecture that provides features such as transparent data distribution, object-level locking, dynamic schema evolution, and built-in workgroup computing support.

Jay Mellman

Versant Object Technology Corporation
1380 Willow Road
Menlo Park, CA 94025
415-325-2380 (fax)