Empress 4GL

Empress 4GL is an optional rapid development environment that allows users to easily create, modify, and maintain Empress RDBMS applications. Empress 4GL works in conjunction with Empress RDBMS, allowing a programmer to easily create screens, incorporate image, sound, any multi-media data, adhere to data integrity constraints, and develop extensive "help" prompts and menus. A key feature of Empress 4GL is an intelligent applications generator, a subsystem that automatically builds screens, establishes default function keys, joins multiple databases and tables into logical views, and allows for the incorporation of basic program logic. Empress 4GL also allows programmers to call other components of Empress, such as Report Writer or SQL. A perfect addition to Empress RDBMS, Empress 4GL gives programmers adaptability, development, and ease-of-use.

Channa Omkar

Marketing Coordinator