HRPT Module
HRPT Module: The HRPT Module operates within the ERDAS Imagine environment for processing and interpreting HRPT data, including processing of AVHRR, TOVS, DCS and SeaWiFS data. The ERDAS Imagine environment offers the most powerful suite of image processing and Geographic Information System tools available for use with satellite data. Powerful import and export functions let you use data from a variety of sources, in addition to those supplied via a SMART Station. The HRPT Module calibrates and formats raw and level 1B data, and generates standard data products or products using your own algorithms. Our proprietary recitfication technique supports more than 20 map projections, and provides 1 km accuracy across the entire AVHRR scan line. Future upgrades will include support for the SPOT Vegetation Sensor, the Ocean Color and Temperature Scanner (OCTS) onboard the ADEOS satellite and the Modular Optoelectronic Scanner (MOS) onboard the IRS-P3 satellite.
Leslie Davis
Director of Marketing