GeoCADD® provides full computer assisted design and drafting (CADD) functionality. GeoCADD uses GEOREF's own spatial database and is fully integrated with other components of the GEOREF GIS. GeoCADD offers real-time operation thruogh spatial indexes which are maintained for all objects stored in the database.
Real world objects can be organized into logical classes within the GeoCADD database. Any number of textual, graphical, or multi-media attributes may be associated with any object in the databse. Full SQL query capabilities are supported. Data translators are available from GEOREF for translating between industry formats. GeoCADD provides a powerful spread sheet interface to assist in maintaining and editing tabular data. Multiple input & output devices are supported for printing.
Donald Linders
Business Manager
GEOREF Systems Ltd.
151 Frobisher Drive
Suite D-216
Waterloo, On N2V 2C9
519-885-4946 (fax)