Radar data is radiometrically and geometrically different from most commercially available satellite and airborne image data. RADARSOFT analyses these data in the proper manner so as to obtain accurate and useful information from radar data. RADARSOFT performs texture analysis, thus extracting information from the "noisy" data, as well as adaptive filtering to smooth speckle while retaining edges. RADARSOFT allows slant range to ground range conversion, thus handling the special geometry of radar, and performs antenna pattern correction, accounting for near and far range fall-off on Radar signal. Relief illumination effects can be removed from imaginery given a DEM, and simulated radar images can be created, also from a DEM.
RADARSOFT also handles basic functions such as image display, manipulation, vector handling, tape I/O, and file exchanges with many GISs. RADARSOFT includes the Radar Analysis and Polarimetric Radar Analysis EASI/PACE Packages, described above.
Jessica Shields
Corporate Communications