CLRpaint: 24bit image processing tool supporting most file formats

CLRpaint is a 24-bit paint program which runs on Silicon Graphics 4D Workstations. CLRpaint can be used to cut and paste scanned images, add titles to screens, prepare texture maps, and to paint your own images. This software is an adjunct application originating from a student project in Landscape Architecture--as such its interface protocol is non-standard.

CLRpaint should run on all SGI 4D machines which have 24-bit graphics, 8MB of RAM, and a hardware Z buffer. In addition, CLRpaint will also run on an 8-bit Entry Indigo with limitations. It is known to run on a Personal Iris 20-35G, 20-35TG, Entry Indigo, XS-24Z and Elan, 70GT, 220GTX, 310VGX, and a Crimson VGX. CLRpaint should also run on a XS Indigo, but it hasn't yet been tested on this machine. It may also work on XS or XS-24 Indigos without the zbuffer option, but again, it has not been tested on these platforms.

John Danahy
