Visual Reality

Visual Reality is a 3-D graphics and animation package, including: Visual Model for creating 3-D wireframe models; Visual Font for creating extruded 3-D text; Renderize Live for creating full-color, high resolution photorealistic renderings and animation sequences; Visual Image, which combines and collages images of any resolution or color depth; and, Visual Player, which plays animations in FLI and FLC formats or frame by frame. Also included in the package are two CDs: Visual 3D ClipART, a library of 500 professionally drawn ClipART models; and a CD containing 1,000 textures and materials.

Lauren Garner

Visual Software, Inc.
21731 Ventura Boulevard
Suite 310
Woodland Hills, CA 91364
818-593-3737 (fax)

For applications in related solution areas, see the following indices: