
PostWorks - A universal 2 through 10 axis post-processor generator. PostWorks converts output from most major CAM systems into NC data files which can be used to run virtually any NC device including mills, lathes, EDMs, and CMMs. A simple Motif-style interface enables the user to easily establish machine configurations, control unit features, and output file formats. To verify your new post-processor, PostWorks automatically creates a solid model of the machine and dynamically simulates the machine's movement. PostWorks also provides a comprehensive macro language for easy customization. PostWorks is proven technology used across the manufacturing spectrum and is a cost-effective replacement to existing mainframe-based post-processors.

Robert Conway

VP, Sales & Marketing
Numerical Control Computer Sciences
2600 Michelson Drive
17th Floor
Irvine, CA 92612
714-553-1911 (fax)