CAMAND® Partmaker

CAMAND® Partmaker (Version 9.0 and higher) addresses the general machining requirements of production piece-part manufacturers, whose work typically involves 2-1/2 axis machining and 3-axis curve machining, with rotation of the fourth or fifth axis for positioning. Partmaker includes a graphic user interface, wire frame modeling, a shading module for visualization, one bidirectional translator (IGES or VDA-FS), DXF input translator, U.S. automotive translators, moldbase design database, dimensioning, a plotter interface library, and NC programming and postprocessing for drilling, 3-axis curve machining, pocketing and profiling. Multiple optional modules enable customizing configurations for special manufacturing needs. Runs on SGI with IRIX 5.2 and 5.3.

Mitch Bossart

Marketing Associate