
Flashback can use the point data obtained from Coordinate Measuring Machines (CMM), 3D laser scanners or other acquisition equipment to identify geometric entities.

Flashback can generate surfaces automatically as well as interactively. The identification and extraction of geometric surface automatically as well as interactively. The identification and extraction of geometric surface entities are accomplished by the use of three modules:




The Segmentation is used for the automatic recognition of geometric entities from Range Image of the scanned part at the desired resolution.

The Extraction module is used to perform semiautomatic identification of user defined surface types from a cloud of points or a Range Image.

The Fitting module is used to fit surfaces to points which are known to lie on the surface.

The other two modules, REGISTRATION and GRIDDING, are 3D point data manipulation tools. The Registration module is used to find the transformation matrix between 2 sets of 3D data points corresponding to different views of the part. The Gridding module organizes a non-ordered cloud data points in the form of Range Image ordered data.

Frank Delli Colli

Marketing Comm Manager
ICAM Technologies Corporation
1900 Sources Boulevard
Pointe-Claire, PQ H9R 4Z3
514-697-8621 (fax)

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