CoCreate SolidDesigner
You should consider SolidDesigner for 2 important reasons:
1) It is the ONLY solid modeler on the market with Dynamic Modeling capabilities. You need to understand how Dynamic Modleing could drastically cut your design cycle time.
2) It is the foundation for the CoCreative Environment, which will allow you to have Shared Space Design over the Internet and involve remote design teams, your suppliers, even your customers in real time solid model designing.
SolidDesigner is peaked for users in the Electronics Industries segment and the Machine Design segment. We have developed tight links for applications normally used in these design environments and SolidDesigner is rapidly becoming the CAD system of choice in these markets. For success stories on how companies are using SolidDesigner, please see us on our Web Site,
The CoCreative Environment can provide your company a significant competitive advantage and the core elements are CoCreate SolidDesigner and CoCreate WorkManager. Please check the listing for WorkManager as well.
Cliff Gumkowski
Americas Sales Manager