By combining comprehensive multiprotocol remote host access, client/server access, dial-up routing, shared dial-out, LAN-to-LAN routing and terminal server capabilities into a single hardware platform, ANNEX® Release 9.2 is now the only true enterprise-wide remote access solution available today. The ANNEX Communication Server supports connections of 8 to 64 ports. The ANNEX offers network managers one product that provides the following:

(*)Support of all their users (Windows NT, Microsoft, Novell, Apple, UNIX, IBM, DEC)

(*)Allows the use of a single telephone number & one modem pool

(*)Provides one centralized audit trail

(*)Authenticates all users through one corporate wide security system

(*)Is managed by a variety of popular network management products

(*)Scales from small to large networks

(*)Incoming remote access protocols (ARA, PPP, SLIP, CSLIP, IPX and ASCII) are automatically detected by the ANNEX ports

Nathan Miller

District Sales Manager