ADS-3000 - Avionics/Vetronics Development Systems
Masters ADS-3000 family of products provides a complete SGI host based solution to the requirements within the aerospace, defense and automative industries for COTS avionics/vetronics development, integration and test environments.
ADS-3000 solutions combine real-time MIPS architecture computing, VME interfaces (such as MIL-STD-1553, ARINC 629, ARINC-429, CAN, Digital/Analog I/O, etc.) and X-Windows GUI tools to provide integrated environments for tasks such as Hardware-In-The Loop Simulation, Rapid Prototyping and Data Acquisition.
A key feature of ADS-3000 solutions is the removal of any requirement from the user to develop low level driver software; in simulation applications all I/O is handled by ADS-3000 software modules, including frame-based simulation and 100% data acquisition. The ADS-3000 software provide a complete environment for simulation development and execution, data acquisition and data analysis. The ADS-3000 environment supports many third party tools for code development and comlpilation, Man-In-The-Loop simulation, and graphical data analysis.
Walter F. Muller
Vice President
Masters Aerospace & Systems Group, Inc.
130 McCormick Avenue
Unit 113
Costa Mesa, CA 92626
714-437-0595 (fax)