MATRIXx® Product Family

Integrated Systems' MATRIXx® Product Family accelerates the design process from concept development to final product design. The MATRIXx product family-- SystemBuild(TM), Xmath(TM), AutoCode®, DocumentIt(TM) and the RealSim(TM) Series--work together seamlessly to allow rapid design devlopment, verification of results in a true-to-life simulation, automatic code and documentation generation, and implementation and test of designs in real-time.

Systems Build: Visual block diagram system with point system with point and click connection editor for fast and intuitive modeling and simulation of entire systems

Xmath: First and most sophisticated object-oriented graphical mathematics analysis package.

AutoCode: Automatic C and Ada real-time code generator for SystemBuild models

DocumentIt: Automatic Documentation generator for SystemBuild models

RealSim Series (AC-100 Model C30(TM) and AC-100 Model 3(TM)): Real-time processing hardware verifies designs in the actual application environment to shorten design time and improve product quality.

Tamara Artim

Product Marketing Manager