Alias | Wavefront PROcreator
Alias | Wavefront PROcreator
is a set of specialized software tools for video game and interactive multimedia developers. These tools are used to create imagery and geometry that are optimized for the specific characteristics of target games consoles. Alias | Wavefront PROcreator includes tools such as: interactive color quantizer, NURBS to polygon conversion, polygon editor, sprite editor, sprite renderer, distributed renderer, sound sync and hidden line rendering. When combined with other powerful Alias | Wavefront features like Digital OptiF/X
, NURBS-based modeling and animation tools and Alias | Wavefront MotionSampler
for performance animation, it enables game developers to achieve a new level of realism in their games.
Marketing Administrator
Alias Wavefront
110 Richmond Street East
Toronto, ON M5C 1P1
416-362-0630 (fax)
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