Since 1989, FLOTHERMĀ® has been developed specifially for solving thermal problems in electronic equipment. FLOTHERM enables you to check and optimize the cooling system for your particular product in the shortest possible time, including aspects such as the locations and sizing of heat sinks, fans, vents, and baffles. FLOTHERM allows you to assess the often competing requirements for EMI shielding, good airflow, and good asthetic design, and rapidly select the best compromise. FLOTHERM software is available on various platforms including IBM Compatible PC's, Silicon Graphics Workstations, Hewlett Packard Workstations, Sun Workstations, etc.

Raghav S. Gorur

Mgr, Customer Services
Flomerics, Inc.
2 Mount Royal Avenue
Suite 350
Marlborough, MA 01752
508-898-2582 (fax)

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