To provide a general-purpose finite element analysis tool for engineers working within the design-to-manufacturing process, MSC has developed MSC/PATRAN FEA(TM). MSC/PATRAN FEA has all of the analysis capabilities that an engineer needs to do basic engineering analysis, coupled with all of the model building and results visualization capabilities of MSC's new MSC/PATRAN pre- and postprocessing software. MSC/PATRAN FEA builds on the extensive features of MSC/PATRAN FEA release 2.5 and on that product's use by major manufacturers worldwide. Key features of MSC/PATRAN FEA are shell and solid models of laminated composites, enhanced dynamics capability, design sensitivity analysis, and an easy-to-use, easy-to-learn interface.

Michael Curley

Marketing Communications
MacNeal-Schwendler Corporation
815 Colorado Boulevard
Los Angeles, CA 90041
213-259-4979 (fax)