Turbo Mesh
Turbo Mesh
is a general-purpose Finite Element pre-processor, interfaced with MSC/NASTRAN, ANSYS and I-DEAS. Turbo Mesh allows direct creation of 3-D wireframe geometry or import of CAD geometry via IGES. Turbo Mesh's features include creation, manipulation and editing of points, lines, arcs, Beizer and NURBS curves, nodes, elements, boundry conditions and material/geometric tables. Turbo Mesh allows for extrusion of elements along a straight, circular or curved path. Automatic mesh generation is implemented to create 2 1/2D and 3-D mapped meshes, and 2-D free meshes. Turbo Mesh uses the GL library extensively for real-time panning, zooming and rotation of wireframe and shaded models.
Alexander Barnell