Vision-Media Control Software
The Vision Media Control system, VMC, is VSI's software control vehicle for digital media devices. VMC allows you to route and switch various devices: VCR's Laser Disk players, projectors, host-based audio and video, and satellite transmissions to name just a few. Depending upon site configuration, even infrared (IR) devices can be controlled-all through the host workstation. Both local and remote control is possible. Device scheduling and supervisory control includes secure network access. Currently VMC supports AMX control systems, Extron switchers, and vitually any VCR, Laser Disk, or cassette player. Switching and control for host-based audio and video is easily acheived at the click of a button. VMC includes VSI's Site Configuration Facility, which allows you to tailor VMC specifically for any site. An unlimited number of suites and facilities can be controlled and exclusive control for web site users and facilities is available.
Cynthia Traeger
President & CEO