Radar Toolkit

The Radar Toolkit from Camber Corporation provides the most comprehensive real-time radar simulation toolkit available for the Silicon Graphics platforms. The toolkit adheres to industry standards including X/Motif and ANSI C/C++ and accommodates a number of database formats which allow correlation with a wide variety of visual systems. This product provides a flexible basis for the simulation of both current and future radar systems and supports both training and engineering applications. The Basic Toolkit provides software components required to build a simple Ground Mapping Digital Radar Landmass Simulation (DRLMS). The basic package includes Real Beam Ground Map, Dopple Beam Sharpening and Air to Ground Ranging modes along with weather cells. Options include Database Conversion Tools, Synthetic Aperture Radar, Polygon Pager, High Fidelity Weather, Terrain Following and Terrain Avoidance, Aircraft Detection and Tracking, Medium and High PRF and Sea Search.

David Hallforth

Director, Int'l Prgms
Camber Corporation
4885 Alpha Road
Suite 110
Dallas, TX 75244
214-991-5352 (fax)