is an automatic 3D terrain generation system that allows non-programmers to quickly create and edit landscapes for out-the-window scenes, virtual reality gaming areas and terrain-based cockpit displays. EasyT transforms digital terrain data to a form suitable for real-time visual simulation applications. Input data from DMA (DTED/DFAC), USGS (DEM/DLG), UK/OS, or a public domain raw format. Output to Designer's Workbench
, Flight
11, SIF, or raw format.
Interactively create high resolution populated terrain databases with unlimited numbers of automatically generated Levels-of-Detail (LOD). Generate and apply textures, or choose to place cultural terrain features through both automatic and interactive object tools. Use parametric modeling to intuitively create road networks which are consistent with CAD guidelines.
As with all Coryphaeus products, EasyT is user extensible and uses a standard public domain file format.
John Murphy
VP, Sales & Marketing