TRI-PLEX offers the highest performing tape storage systems available today. For example, with sustained transfer rates up to 32Mbytes per second, our STX3000 recording system delivers ten to sixty times the performance of industry-standard tape drives. This substantial speed advantage offers the kind of productivity that can help you make the most of your SGI investment. TRI-PLEX offers other SGI-compatible equipment in addition to the systems described above. Our SMX product inputs up to 12 channels of high-speed serial data over SCSI-2 to either an SGI or a storage device. In addition, we have two I/O Controller (IOC) data acquisition boards: The TRI-PLEX IOC/SGI/SIO inputs serial data; our IOC/SGI/PIO inputs parallel data. Both IOCs run at rates up to 25 Mbytes per second. New IOCs that will run at even higher speeds are now in development.
Bud Binck
Marketing Manager