ACUCOBOL-GT enables developers to implement and deliver GUI-enhanced COBOL applications for Microsoft® Windows
3.1, Windows
95, Windows NT
and UNIX using COBOL extensions that are consistent with traditional COBOL syntax and methodologies.
ACUCOBOL-GT supports movable floating Windows, and GUI controls, such as entry fields, list boxes, combo boxes, push buttons, radio buttons, check boxes labels, toolbars, and frames. GUI screens, including native, pop-up windows and graphical controls, are built and processed with simple extensions to the DISPLAY and ACCEPT verbs. Each program can contain a mix of graphical and character-based interfaces. Graphical features can be added to an existing application without a rework of the entire user interface.
Jeffery Freedman
Dir., Business Development
Acucobol, Inc.
7950 Silverton Avenue
Suite 201
San Diego, CA 92126
691-689-7251 (fax)