
Myriad® veiws, redlines, and plots more than 10 formats, including CAD, plotter output, scanned raster, hybrid, CALS, video capture, fax, word processing, and spreadsheet. Expanded A-through-J-size support with multiple-page TIFF, Postscript, and PDF veiwing. Supports URL and zip extended file access, DDE integration, and WYSIWYG veiwing.

Myriad's unigue Changemarks(TM) feature guides reviewers through multiple documents, calling out changes and notations. Other features include Side-by-Side Compare, Author tool, and Consolidate function.

Document release stamping on prints aids compliance with ISO 9000 and other standards and regulations. Softhooks(TM) tecnnology allows seamless integration with document management systmes and databases.

Elena Bullard

Vice President, Marketing