and ImmersaDesk
and ImmersaDesk
are projection-based virtual reality display technologies developed by the Electronic Visualization Laboratory at the University of Illinois at Chicago. The CAVE is a multi-person, room-sized, high resolution, 3-D video and audio environment; it is a 10x10x9 foot theater made up of three rear-projection screeens for walls and a down-projection screeen for the floor. The ImmersaDesk is a drafting-table format virtual prototyping device designed as a single-user application development station. The CAVE software library supports both these displays as well as a workstation-based CAVE simulator. Companies can purchase these technologies as well as collaborate with the Electronic Visualization Laboratory on virtual reality research.
All hardware and software is available thru Pyramid Systems, Inc. Sales, Support, Integration and Installation worldwide.
Ted Jordan
Dir, Adv Visual Group