Outside In® Viewer Technology
Inso's award-winning Outside In® viewer technology allows users to quickly view the contents of more than 200 different file types without loading or accesssing any of the applications that created them. With the Outside In® viewer technology OEM developer kit, softwre developers can easily incorporate this premier file-viewing technology into their products. This is the same viewer technology that is already being used to enhance operating systems, messaging products, document and image managers, PIMs, help desk systems and communication programs, among many other implementations. To more and more users, it is proving to be the universal utility for integrating a wide variety of software applications.
Take email or document management integration, for example. With viewer technology, a user can review a wide variety of dissimilar file types without waiting for multiple applications to load--assuming those applications are even available.
Think of your own frustrating experiences. How often have you received an email message with, say, three file attachments: a word processing document, a spreadsheet and a presentation file? Besides the burden on your system's performance, where do you find the time to launch three separate applications? With integrated viewer technology you'd simply double-click on each attachment icon to get an instant view of the file.
Julie Garrett
Product Manager