LOOK-SegMod (Segment Match Modeling) Homology Modeling package combines automated simplicity with a powerful and accurate algorithm, to make homology modeling accessible to modelers and non modelers alike.

The proliferation of available protein information has made more accurate structure predictions possible using homology modeling. Current homology modeling techniques, however, are time-consuming and require a high level of user involvement to adjust parameters, fix errors, and control refinements. Given a sequence alignment, SegMod is so powerful that it can accurately and automatically generate a model.

SegMod is extremely robust and completely automatic with the highest level of prediction accuracy, and flexibility. SegMod now works with LOOK interface, where LOOK's superior user interface provides easy access and a user-friendly environment.

Charlene Son

.Marketing Manager
Molecular Applications Group
607 Hanson Way
PO Box 5110
Palo Alto, CA 94304-0687
415-846-3595 (fax)