
UniChem is a complete, easy-to-use molecular modeling package that provides a single, graphical interface to a variety of powerful quantum mechanics programs. Researchers may easily apply advanced theoretical methods to understand complex molecular systems such as drug molecules, proteins, agrochemicals, polymers, catalysts, and advanced materials.

The UniChem system consists of a workstation-based graphical interface and SGI/Cray Research supercomputer-basd ismulation codes, including MND093, DGauss, and CADPAC. UniChem also provides interfaces to a number of third party codes, such as GAUSSIAN(TM) 94. The graphical interface provides facilities to build molecules, import molecules in variety of formats, and visulaize and analyze results.

UniChem is one of the high-performance computational chemistry software tools available from Oxford Molecular Group.

Sales Department

Oxford Molecular Group, Inc.
2105 South Bascom Avenue
Suite 200
Campbell, CA 95008
408-879-6302 (fax)