AMPAC 5.0 with Graphical User Interface
AMPAC 5.0 with Graphical User Interface is the most modern and reliable semiempirical quantum mechancial program on the market , and presently includes the SAM1, AM1, PM3, MNDo, MNDOC, and MINDO/3, semiempirical methods along with an extensive set of tools to study molecular structure and chemical reactions. M.J.S. Dewar's new SAM1 semiempirical method, which includes and explicit description of d-orbitals, now has parameters for or C, H, O, N, F, C1, Br, I, Si, P, S, and (our first transition metal) Fe. AMPAC 5.0 also includes a graphical user interface (GUI) implemented under the popular X-Windows/Motif environment for compatibility and seamless network access.
Andrew Holder
Semichem, Inc.
7128 Summit
Shawnee, KS 66216
913-268-3445 (fax)