SUPDL: Intermediate level code for predicting aerodynamic force distributions on supersonic missiles, valid in low supersonic Mach range. Post-processor generates force input data for NASTRAN structural analysis. Based on supersonic panel methods including nonlinear effects of body and fin vortices, fin loads, include stall model. Axisymmetric bodies with up to two finned sections in planar, triform, cruciform, low-profile layouts. Includes effects of rotational rates and nonuniform flow conditions.
SUBDL: Same as SUPDL but for subsonic Mach numbers.
Besides predicting longitudinal and lateral aerodynamic characteristics, the SUPDL codes are practical aerodynamic tools for use in design/optimization of lifting surfaces.
Daniel Lesieutre
Senior Research Engineer
Nielsen Engineering & Research, Inc.
526 Clyde Avenue
Mountain View, CA 94043-2212
415-968-1410 (fax)