TASCflow(TM) for CAD

TASCflow(TM) for CAD (TfC) is general CFD software package functioning within your CAD/E environment. TfC was developed to deliver accurate and robust fluid flow and heat transfer analysis in complex geometries to a broad engineering segment by being easy to use and reducing set-up time. This is accomplished by providing five enabling software technologies:

(*) a functional and intuitive GUI with a consistent look and feel

(*) interfaces to your existing CAD/E software including I-DEAS, MSC/ARIES. Pro Engineer...in addition to FE file formats found in PATRAN, NASTRAN, ANSYS...

(*) support for any quality of unstructured meshes using any combination of hexahedral, tetrahedral, wedge and pyramidal elements.

(*) proven numerical methods including an unstructured coupled linear solver

(*) "on-line" documentation, accessed via NCSA's Mosaic, includes all help related functions and a complete "start to finish" CFD tutorial.

Glenn Smith

Advanced Scientific Computing, Ltd.
554 Parkside Drive
Waterloo, ON N2L 5Z4
519-886-7580 (fax)