ESTET is a 3-D finite difference code for subsonic, viscous, steady, or transient flows in complex geometries. This code is developed by EDF/Laboratoire National d'Hydraulique. Phenomena that can be modeled include the effects of turbulence, gravity terms, heat transfer, a nonisothermal fluid model, variation of fluid density (high temperature gas flows), friction at the walls. Congugate heat triangles between fluids and walls, distributed head losses/porous media, combustion and radiative heat transfer, Lagrangian tracking model, turbulent dilute two-phase flow. The implemented finite difference method solves the Navier-Stokes equations coupled with a k-epsilon turbulence model. Structured meshes are built using Cartesian, cylindrical, or orthogonal curvilinear coordinate systems. The time differencing is based on a fractional time step, which allows adapting solvers to different equation operators.
J. Chantrel
Business Dev. Engineer
1, Rue James Joule
Guyancourt, CEDE78286 78286
33-1-30-12-27-27 (fax)