NC Verify

NC Verify product graphically simulates the material removal process by updating the stock shape as the cutter moves along the toolpath and produces the final part. The software accepts all standard NC programs as input to simulate the machining process. The user can reproduce the complete machining environment by interactively setting up stocks and fixtures via built in solids or by importing complex shapes from any CAD/CAM system. NC Verify is an extremely valuable tool for all NC programmers and operators. It will significantly reduce the time and cost to produce quality parts.

NC Verify will accept all machine NC G code, APT-CL and other proprietary CAm format files. The user can run the NC programs and watch the material removal process as on the real machine. The "as manufactured" part can be compared with "as designed" part model. The toolpaths can be displayed in different colors for easy verification. At any time during the simulation, the user can measure point, thickness and distance information on the current work-in-process model. The verification system supports powerful and dynamic graphics and multiple views. It highlights gouges and undercuts, allows dynamic rotation fo the final solid and sectioning the work-in-process models.

NC Verify & MAchine Simulator software will be integrated and synchronized. They can also be use independently.

Sheila Cullers

Director, Sales
Sirius Systems Corporation
3150 Almaden Expressway
Suite 112
San Jose, CA 95118
408-269-8218 (fax)