Introducing SEARCH'97
A New Personal and Enterprise Application
by Philippe Courtot
CEO, Verity, Inc.
SEARCH'97 from Verity provides just such a solution.
With the introduction of SEARCH'97, Verity has
elevated the concept of search from a simple, rudimentary tool to a robust
enterprise-wide application. Powerful enough to locate a single document
across hundreds of corporate sites, yet simple enough to help a novice
user locate a letter on his PC.
SEARCH'97 has been designed as a search application
which will allow corporations as well as individuals to effectively "push"
and "pull" information based on individual information needs.
SEARCH'97 is an application which can immediately catalog, organize and
publish any information according to specific profile of interest, regardless
of its source. SEARCH'97 will connect people with the information they
need quickly and easily, enhancing productivity and performance by providing
easy-to-use yet highly intelligent search components which:
- Allow users to intuitively move through information
- Dramatically increase the accuracy of searches
- Enable the automatic personalization and delivery of information
- Provide the ability to customize search applications to meet specific
corporate needs
SEARCH'97 is a foundation for evolving search capabilities
far beyond today's macro or document-based concepts.
Through SEARCH'97's unique architecture and functionality,
individuals and organizations alike will soon be able to mine their "corporate
memory" at a discrete micro level, intelligently searching for content-based
relationships and unique associations within the information. SEARCH'97
sets the stage to enable users to intelligently ask for known and unknown
information, to become the means for corporations to differentiate themselves
in today's competitive marketplace.
SEARCH'97 is more than a collection of search functionality.
It is a powerful and flexible platform for deploying search applications
across the enterprise. It is the industry's first search application platform,
providing the necessary infrastructure and components to create powerful
information retrieval systems. Advanced, intelligent search components
can be flexibly combined and brought into play to extend SEARCH'97's core
functionality, based on the specific requirements of the corporation or
individual. All search application functionality is made available to users
via a single user interface.
The SEARCH'97 applications framework is designed
to enable corporations to easily develop and deploy information retrieval
applications which can be transparently integrated into the SEARCH'97 platform.
This plug-and-play design allows additional functions and components to
be added at any time.
Because all SEARCH'97 applications are integrated within the same framework,
the SEARCH'97 architecture can be enhanced and extended as applications
and installations evolve. New intelligent search modules can be developed
by Verity, third parties or corporate developers, and transparently integrated
within SEARCH'97's architecture to extend the application functionality
based on specific requirements.
More Info: see the complete
White Paper.
If you are interested in purchasing a Verity product, call 408-541-1500