Stay Connected!
    Stay Connected to your ISP!

    Unlimited Internet Access? Not!
    Many netizens, including myself, subscribe to a so-called “Unlimited Internet Access” modem dial-up plan provided by many local or national Internet Service Providers (ISP). However, such advertisement is misleading. Every time when I leave my modem connection unattended for a certain period (roughly 15 minutes) and walked away from my computer, the moment when I was back to my desk to get ready to surf the net, I found that the modem connection is dropped. Once I got a connection, I don’t want to be disconnected. Ok I’m selfish, but I’ve already paid my subscription fee!

    The Truth Is:
    Ok, it’s time to check the Internet newsgroup for such weird behavior. After posting a mail to the newsgroup, I got a few responses. Many told me this was not the fault of my phone line though sometimes it might happen. The problem is mainly due to my Internet Service Provider (ISP). They have limited modem port, ranging from a ratio of 1:20 to 1:40, i.e. 1 modem serves 20 to 40 subscribers. During the peak hours, many subscribers have extreme difficulties trying to get connected: either the line is busy, or the TCP/IP protocol is not being established even after being connected.

    Now I got the whole picture. Immediately I thought about remedies. I asked around and got involved in a group of people who are experiencing the same problems. A sudden inspiration came to us: why not write a "hassle-free" program, place it in the startup folder every time the computer starts, and have it automatically placed in the taskbar (or tray notification area)? That means no more dropped modem connections! All of us can now surf with impunity with the utility working in the background to ensure we never lose a connection. We have tested the program countless times running continuously for more than 24 hours without a dropped connection.

    Stay Connected to your ISP!
    Are you getting disconnected in the midst of a download, while writing a long thoughtful email, or chatting with an IRC or ICQ buddy? Stay Connected! keeps you online by simulating the Internet activity of a real person such as surfing the web until you decide to disconnect. Supports AOL 5.0, NetO 2.2, MSN, AT&T WorldNet, CompuServe 2000, Prodigy, AltaVista FreeAccess, Juno and all major online services. Kills all AOL pop-up ads always!


    ZDNet 5-Star Top Pick, Microsoft Network Pick of the Week, WUGNET Pick of the Week (3 times), 5 cows rating, PC World Hot Shareware Pick of the Day, and many more!


    Visit Stay Connected's product home page and DOWNLOAD a FREE evaluation today!

    System Requirements
    Windows 95/98/NT/2000, 486 Processor, 8MB RAM, 2MB of free space.

    To Modem Booster


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