Visual Calendar Planner
    A fully customizable planner!

    What's with this Calendar Planner?
    Visual Calendar Planner provides a fast and visual way to schedule appointments with daily, weekly or monthly views. Never miss an appointment by having this calendar as your desktop wallpaper which puts all your appointments within easy reach. It is so easy to use-you simply scribble your notes quickly like a word processor! Completely customizable with your choice of fonts, colors and 3D text. When the tasks are completed, simply strike them out. Remind yourself of appointments with alarms with unique musical tunes and alarm snoozing. Its network function allows everyone to coordinate and view one another's activities in real-time.


    PC Magazine Award Winning Shareware, AOL Editors' Choice, ZDNet Reviewer's Pick, PC World Editors' Choice, PC World Hot Shareware Pick, Yahoo Internet Life's Daily Double Download, recommended by Dr. File Finder.

    Visit Visual Calendar Planner's product home page and DOWNLOAD a FREE evaluation copy today!

    System Requirements
    Windows 3.x/95/98/, 486 Processor, 8MB RAM, 8MB of free space.

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