CD-ROM Today's The DISC! Here are a few helpful hints on using The DISC!'s custom interface: LAUNCH This button generally launches the executable file that runs the program or demo you're using. Depending on a particular program's setup system, this button may or may not be active. READ ME This button is used with some programs that require extra information to run, or that have read-me files that explain technical or procedural steps. INSTALL The Install button is generally used to run an install or setup program. As with the Launch button, this may vary depending on the demands or procedures of individual programs. HELP This button brings up the brief guide to the user interface that you're using now. QUIT The Quit button lets you return to the Windows interface. If you have never had the opportunity to install Video for Windows, then you will find an installable runtime version in the sub-directory \winvideo. Simply go to that directory and run 'setup'... the video viewer will then be installed on your hard drive and you will be able to watch our video clips. Don't forget, whenever a fresh video is loaded into the viewer window you do need to push the PLAY button (it's the right-pointing arrow at the left-hand end of the VCR-like controls) In general terms, if you are having trouble running or installing a program from Windows, try running or installing the program from the DOS prompt. With such a wide variety of programs and demos, you will find a similar variety of launch and run procedures. Running Programs from DOS Some of the larger programs on The DISC! cannot be launched directly from our Windows interface. This is because they may place requirements on your system which conflict with the Windows operating system. So instead you will need to run them from DOS. This involves the following steps: 1. Press the Quit button at the bottom right of the main CD-ROM Today interface. This will return you to the Windows Program Manager or whatever shell you are using. 2. From the File Menu, select 'Exit Windows' and then, when prompted, confirm that you wish to end your Windows session. This will return you to DOS. Your screen will show a prompt such as this: C:> (assuming C is the name of your hard drive) 3. From this prompt you can then run or install a program from The DISC! by typing: [Drive letter]: \ [directory name] \ [sub-directory name] \ [program name] [Enter] EXAMPLE: If The DISC! is in drive E and you wish to run an installation program called INSTALL.EXE which is located in a sub-directory called BITS inside a directory called GAMES100, you would type the following: e: \ GAMES100 \ BITS \ INSTALL [Enter] Your DOS manual has further details if needed. you will find an installable € š x å t ë p Ê l Ñ h ‚ d ‰ ` a \ e X Ì T Ð P â L              € š t œ m á m ã m å m ( m i m ® m È m Ê m  m N m € m ‚ m Ä m  m J m _ m <  Ð< Ð_ a t ž t Ê t Ì t  t  t  t ^ t ± t ÿ t L t š t è t  t  t F t ˆ t Ë t  t Ð<  Ð   t  t 3 t 5 t W t Y t t  t Ç t ú t ü t Q t S t § t © t  t c t ‚ t „ t Ð<  Є ¬ t ® t Þ t à t â t ä t t  t Ç t ú t ü t Q t S t § t © t  t c t ‚ t „ t Ð<  Ð  Arial edures. Running Programs from DOS Some of the larger programs on The DISC! cannot be launched directly from o