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Muscles of the Back 5 Index of Figures ion Procedure 2.3.9 Spinal Ganglia, Posterior Root Levels C3 to L5 Parietal bone Occipital bone Temporal bone Atlas (C1 vertebra) Clavicle Superior angle of scapula Acromion Spine of scapula Scapula Inferior angle of scapula Humerus Spinous process of vertebra Iliac crest Posterior superior iliac spine Sacrum Posterior view of the skeleton of the trunk. 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IC1_H IC1_M IC1_Z IC1_Z IC1_W IC1_M IC1_W IC1_J IC1_K 990000 buttons Q e"A Sfigure_button buttondown .&+ +E mouseenter .&+ +E mouseleave figure_button ( Sfigure_button buttondown .&+ +E mouseenter .&+ +E mouseleave figure_button ( Sfigure_button buttondown .&+ +E mouseenter .&+ +E mouseleave figure_button ( Sfigure_button buttondown .&+ +E mouseenter .&+ +E mouseleave figure_button ( Sfigure_button buttondown .&+ +E mouseenter .&+ +E mouseleave figure_button ( Sfigure_button buttondown .&+ +E mouseenter .&+ +E mouseleave figure_button ( Sfigure_button buttondown .&+ +E mouseenter .&+ +E mouseleave figure_button ( Sfigure_button buttondown .&+ +E mouseenter .&+ +E mouseleave figure_button ( Sfigure_button buttondown .&+ +E mouseenter .&+ +E mouseleave figure_button ( Sfigure_button buttondown .&+ +E mouseenter .&+ +E mouseleave figure_button ( Sfigure_button buttondown .&+ +E mouseenter .&+ +E mouseleave figure_button ( Figure 1.4 Figure 1.4 . Muscles of the Back the Back borders of the trapezius muscle and latissimus dorsi muscle (Figure 1.3). Anatomically, two triangular shaped spaces can be identified: the triangle of auscultation and the lumbar triangle. The triangle of auscultation is bordered by the trapezius muscle, latissimus dorsi muscle, and the medial border of the scapula. The lumbar triangle is bordered by the latissimus dorsi muscle, external abdominal oblique muscle, and iliac crest. Splenius capitis m. Levator scapulae m. Rhomboid minor m. Rhomboid major m. Erector spinae m. Serratus posterior inferior m. IC1_K Intermediate layer of the extrinsic muscles of the back. 225,243;187 IC1_H IC1_H IC1_B IC1_B IC1_M IC1_T buttons Sfigure_button buttondown .&+ +E mouseenter .&+ +E mouseleave figure_button ( Sfigure_button buttondown .&+ +E mouseenter .&+ +E mouseleave figure_button ( Sfigure_button buttondown .&+ +E mouseenter .&+ +E mouseleave figure_button ( Sfigure_button buttondown .&+ +E mouseenter .&+ +E mouseleave figure_button ( Sfigure_button buttondown .&+ +E mouseenter .&+ +E mouseleave figure_button ( Sfigure_button buttondown .&+ +E mouseenter .&+ +E mouseleave figure_button ( C?CC( ??KPi~ [g>.>gD !JJ\JJ g[D.' 3?Wd_~ CK8..[ }aoo> n]P]P_]4 KCdii{ii i4|E, iddss ^W?5((55( ^lz_i Figure 1.5 Figure 1.5 . Muscles of the Back b,3,100,114 Laboratory 1. Muscles of the Back nd Transverse Cervical Vessels 185,IC1_J g,226,244;187,IC1_K Splenius capitis m. Serratus posterior inferior m. Erector spinae m. Serratus posterior superior m. Intermediate layer of the extrinsic muscles of the back, deep muscles. IC1_H IC1_T IC1_M IC1_R buttons Sfigure_button buttondown .&+ +E mouseenter .&+ +E mouseleave figure_button ( Sfigure_button buttondown .&+ +E mouseenter .&+ +E mouseleave figure_button ( Sfigure_button buttondown .&+ +E mouseenter .&+ +E mouseleave figure_button ( Sfigure_button buttondown .&+ +E mouseenter .&+ +E mouseleave figure_button ( Z~~lX* lxsxl) 7ilxzzxxi` }XF>s ))<)z tKeXx )Fs}F hAA/A AA4AK 4A4$/$/ AA4/AEAA @]N]] Figure 1.6 Figure 1.6 . Muscles of the Back the Back 1. Muscles of the Back Accessory Nerve (CN XI) and Transverse Cervical Vessels Semispinalis capitis m. Semispinalis cervicis m. Erector spinae m. Spinalis thoracis m. Longissimus thoracis m. Iliocostalis thoracis m. Intrinsic muscles of the back. ections of the Back e Cervical Vessels IC1_H IC1_M IC1_M IC1_M IC1_M buttons Sfigure_button buttondown .&+ +E mouseenter .&+ +E mouseleave figure_button ( Sfigure_button buttondown .&+ +E mouseenter .&+ +E mouseleave figure_button ( Sfigure_button buttondown .&+ +E mouseenter .&+ +E mouseleave figure_button ( Sfigure_button buttondown .&+ +E mouseenter .&+ +E mouseleave figure_button ( Sfigure_button buttondown .&+ +E mouseenter .&+ +E mouseleave figure_button ( g1Ge_1 117S{ hYYW5 kVV6" ;e&g7 ~YXW, D11D_ x&RR1 ggqvqv vgdggqqdd_ "cV6B 77YS7D D7G71 eC2Gn Dd_D1 Figure 1.7 Figure 1.7 . Muscles of the Back Laboratory 1. Muscles of the Back tion of Latissimus Dorsi Muscle Scapulae Muscles rse cervical artery and vein. Rectus capitis minor m. Trapezius m. Semispinalis capitis m. Rectus capitis major m. Occipital a. Superior oblique m. Transverse process of C1 vertebra Greater occipital n. Spinal n. C1 Spinal n. C2 Spinal n. C2 Vertebral a. Semispinalis cervicis m. Inferior oblique m. Trapezius m. Splenius capitis m. Semispinalis capitis m. The suboccipital region. issimus Dorsi Muscles n/Yokochi: 212 and 221 IC1_N IC1_M IC1_H IC1_N IC1_D IC1_N IC1_O IC1_D IC1_D IC1_D IC1_D IC1_N IC1_N IC1_M IC1_H IC1_H buttons Sfigure_button buttondown .&+ +E mouseenter .&+ +E mouseleave figure_button ( Q '$P Sfigure_button buttondown .&+ +E mouseenter .&+ +E mouseleave figure_button ( Sfigure_button buttondown .&+ +E mouseenter .&+ +E mouseleave figure_button ( Sfigure_button buttondown .&+ +E mouseenter .&+ +E mouseleave figure_button ( Sfigure_button buttondown .&+ +E mouseenter .&+ +E mouseleave figure_button ( Sfigure_button buttondown .&+ +E mouseenter .&+ +E mouseleave figure_button ( Sfigure_button buttondown .&+ +E mouseenter .&+ +E mouseleave figure_button ( Sfigure_button buttondown .&+ +E mouseenter .&+ +E mouseleave figure_button ( Sfigure_button buttondown .&+ +E mouseenter .&+ +E mouseleave figure_button ( Sfigure_button buttondown .&+ +E mouseenter .&+ +E mouseleave figure_button ( Sfigure_button buttondown .&+ +E mouseenter .&+ +E mouseleave figure_button ( Sfigure_button buttondown .&+ +E mouseenter .&+ +E mouseleave figure_button ( Sfigure_button buttondown .&+ +E mouseenter .&+ +E mouseleave figure_button ( Sfigure_button buttondown .&+ +E mouseenter .&+ +E mouseleave figure_button ( Sfigure_button buttondown .&+ +E mouseenter .&+ +E mouseleave figure_button ( Sfigure_button buttondown .&+ +E mouseenter .&+ +E mouseleave figure_button ( hO:> thhth )NX`#Gf)& 9wC99 spUU\GN %XXuX uT 01@X /Yq e -)@Ki --6--66 $-/Ti {{R77 6\NN- ==) 1KTiU #RRNRR IK_K=/@U uXGUf DD\aX \snbssyys Yqgg> kWsf\f\UK @KTQf_Ua -6Kfy G?6?76 qqtw> Figure 2.1 Figure 2.1 . Muscles of the Back the Back kochi: 212 and 221 homboid, Major and Minor, and Levator Scapulae Muscles eep surface of the latissimus dorsi muscle, near its upper border, attempt to locate the thoracodorsal nerve and blood vessels which supply it. The nerve and accompanying vessels will be dissected in Laboratory Five. Spinous process Transverse process Lamina Superior articular process Pedicle Vertebral foramen Vertebral body Intervertebral foramen Superior articular process Transverse process Articular facets Intervertebral disc Inferior vertebral notch Inferior articular process Spinous process Superior and lateral views of typical vertebrae. apulae Muscles ] and serratus posterior inferior muscle, [another specimen ] which are classified as the intermediate muscles of the back (Figure 1.5). Detach these muscles from their attachments to the spinous processes and reflect them laterally. 480480480480480480480480480480480480 buttons Sfigure_button buttondown .&+ +E mouseenter .&+ +E mouseleave figure_button ( Sfigure_button buttondown .&+ +E mouseenter .&+ +E mouseleave figure_button ( Sfigure_button buttondown .&+ +E mouseenter .&+ +E mouseleave figure_button ( Sfigure_button buttondown .&+ +E mouseenter .&+ +E mouseleave figure_button ( Sfigure_button buttondown .&+ +E mouseenter .&+ +E mouseleave figure_button ( Sfigure_button buttondown .&+ +E mouseenter .&+ +E mouseleave figure_button ( Sfigure_button buttondown .&+ +E mouseenter .&+ +E mouseleave figure_button ( Sfigure_button buttondown .&+ +E mouseenter .&+ +E mouseleave figure_button ( Sfigure_button buttondown .&+ +E mouseenter .&+ +E mouseleave figure_button ( Sfigure_button buttondown .&+ +E mouseenter .&+ +E mouseleave figure_button ( Sfigure_button buttondown .&+ +E mouseenter .&+ +E mouseleave figure_button ( Sfigure_button buttondown .&+ +E mouseenter .&+ +E mouseleave figure_button ( Figure 2.2 Figure 2.2 . Muscles of the Back Laboratory 1. Muscles of the Back erector spinae muscle is formed by three columns of muscles (Figure 1.6). The most lateral column is the iliocostalis thoracis muscle; the intermediate column is the longissimus thoracis muscle; and the most medial column is the spinalis muscle. There are three divisions of iliocostalis muscle that are named for their regional location: iliocostalis lumborum, iliocostalis thoracis, and iliocostalis cervicis. There are also three divisions of the longissimus muscle: longissimus thoracis, longissimus cervicis, and longissimus capitis and three divisions of the spinalis muscle: spinalis thoracis, spinalis cervicis, and spinalis capitis. Occipital bone Ligamentum nuchae Vertebral a. Supraspinous ligament Ligamentum flavum Interspinous ligament Spinous process of vertebra Lamina of vertebral Ligaments of the vertebral column. XI) and Transverse Cervical Vessels IC5_3A IC1_F 47647676 buttons Sfigure_button buttondown .&+ +E mouseenter .&+ +E mouseleave figure_button ( Sfigure_button buttondown .&+ +E mouseenter .&+ +E mouseleave figure_button ( Sfigure_button buttondown .&+ +E mouseenter .&+ +E mouseleave figure_button ( Sfigure_button buttondown .&+ +E mouseenter .&+ +E mouseleave figure_button ( Sfigure_button buttondown .&+ +E mouseenter .&+ +E mouseleave figure_button ( Figure 2.3 Figure 2.3 . Muscles of the Back Laboratory 1. Muscles of the Back r Spinae Muscles vicis Muscles Vertebral Levels C3 to L5 200;Figure 1.5 Ligamentum nuchae Intervertebral foramen Supraspinous ligament Intervertebral disc Interspinous ligament Vertebral body Ligamentum flavum Anterior longitudinal ligament Spinous process Lamina vertebral Posterior longitudinal litgament Sagittal section of vertebrae showing intervertebral discs and associated ligaments. 1. Muscles of the Back IC1_F 47647666 buttons Sfigure_button buttondown .&+ +E mouseenter .&+ +E mouseleave figure_button ( Sfigure_button buttondown .&+ +E mouseenter .&+ +E mouseleave figure_button ( Sfigure_button buttondown .&+ +E mouseenter .&+ +E mouseleave figure_button ( Sfigure_button buttondown .&+ +E mouseenter .&+ +E mouseleave figure_button ( Figure 2.4 Figure 2.4 . Muscles of the Back 255,281 b,1,318,332 Laboratory 1. Muscles of the Back l Space b,897,897 d,203,IC1_A g,88,108;207,IC1_M g,149,158;Figure 1.6 g,194,221;204,IC1_M g,255,281;206,IC1_M g,318,332;208,IC1_M the longissimus thoracis muscle; and the most medial column is the spinalis muscle. There are three divisions of iliocostalis muscle that are named for their regional location: iliocostalis lumborum, iliocostalis thoracis, and iliocostalis cervicis. There are also three divisions of the longissimus muscle: longissimus thoracis, longissimus cervicis, and longissimus capitis and three divisions of the spinalis muscle: spinalis thoracis, spinalis cervicis, and spinalis capitis. Helpful Mnemonic: The three columns of erector spinae muscles can be remembered with the phrase I Like Standing (Iliocostalis muscle, Longissimus muscle, and Spinalis muscle), which also reminds the student of the primary function of these muscles in keeping the body in the erect position. Spinal cord: Gray matter Arachnoid mater Dura mater White matter Subarachnoid space Posterior (dorsal root) Pia mater Posterior primary ramus Posterior (dorsal) root ganglion Spinal n. Anterior primary ramus Anterior (ventral) root Rami communicantes Sympathetic ganglion Sympathetic trunck Superior view of a section through the spinal cord within the vertebral foramen. IC1_E IC1_E IC1_E IC1_E IC1_E IC1_D IC1_E IC1_E IC5_11H IC5_11F buttons Sfigure_button buttondown .&+ +E mouseenter .&+ +E mouseleave figure_button ( Sfigure_button buttondown .&+ +E mouseenter .&+ +E mouseleave figure_button ( Sfigure_button buttondown .&+ +E mouseenter .&+ +E mouseleave figure_button ( Sfigure_button buttondown .&+ +E mouseenter .&+ +E mouseleave figure_button ( Sfigure_button buttondown .&+ +E mouseenter .&+ +E mouseleave figure_button ( Sfigure_button buttondown .&+ +E mouseenter .&+ +E mouseleave figure_button ( Sfigure_button buttondown .&+ +E mouseenter .&+ +E mouseleave figure_button ( Sfigure_button buttondown .&+ +E mouseenter .&+ +E mouseleave figure_button ( Sfigure_button buttondown .&+ +E mouseenter .&+ +E mouseleave figure_button ( Sfigure_button buttondown .&+ +E mouseenter .&+ +E mouseleave figure_button ( Figure 2.5 Figure 2.5 . Muscles of the Back b,3,40,40 b,3,64,64 Laboratory 1. Muscles of the Back plenius cervicis muscles, [indicated on the left], on one side only, at their attachment to the ligamentum nuchae and the spinous processes and reflect them laterally. Gray matter of spinal cord White matter of spinal cord Denticulate ligament Posterior (dorsal) rootlets Pia mater Denticulate ligament Anterior (ventral) rootlets Dura mater Arachnoid mater Coverings of the spinal cord. erior and Inferior Muscles n/Yokochi: 210, 211, 215, 222, and 223 IC1_E IC1_E IC1_E IC1_E IC1_E buttons Sfigure_button buttondown .&+ +E mouseenter .&+ +E mouseleave figure_button ( Sfigure_button buttondown .&+ +E mouseenter .&+ +E mouseleave figure_button ( Sfigure_button buttondown .&+ +E mouseenter .&+ +E mouseleave figure_button ( Sfigure_button buttondown .&+ +E mouseenter .&+ +E mouseleave figure_button ( Sfigure_button buttondown .&+ +E mouseenter .&+ +E mouseleave figure_button ( figure 1.1 p1.3.4 Figure 1.2 Figure 1.6 Figure 2.1 Figure 2.2 Figure 1.3 Figure 2.3 Figure 1.4 Figure 1.7 p1.3.8 Figure 2.4 Figure 1.5 Figure 2.5 lesson mouseenter