WinNET Mail and News (TM) with TCP/IP Copyright (c) 1992-1995 by WinNET Communications, Inc. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED WinNET Communications, Inc. Post Office Box 4189 Louisville, KY 40204 Telephone: (502) 589-6800 Fax: (502) 589-7300 Internet Mail: CompuServe Mail: 76130,1463 W i n N E T P r o d u c t R e g i s t r a t i o n (REGISTER.TXT) [A Registration form is included at the end of this file] The registration fee for WinNET is $39.95 plus S&H. When you register, WinNET Communications will provide you with a license number for your copy of WinNET. Once entered, it will make the software a registered version. We will also send you a copy of our retail version, WinNET Plus. What is WinNET Plus? WinNET Plus is similar to the WinNET Mail and News with which you maybe familiar, but includes new features and comes with a comprehensive manual in attractive shrink wrapped retail box. A few of the new features that we think you will especially like are: * Ability to selectively call to: + Just get your mail - get in quickly get your mail and leave the news for later. + Just send, don't pick up anything for now. + Send and Receive everything normally. * Select News group subscriptions from a built-in list of News Groups. + All recent news groups are included built-in - easy to search, easy to select. + Interested in all groups that mention tennis? Just type in tennis, press a button, and sign-up from a list of just those news groups. "... possibly the best Technical Support in the business" PC Magazine. W h a t Y o u G e t w h e n Y o u R e g i s t e r - The retail version of WinNET: WinNET Plus. - The software's high-speed modem support (up to 57.6 bps) will be enabled. - You can sign up for as many news groups as you want. - The introductory registration screen will no longer appear. - You will not have to erase the registration request when you compose e-mail messages or news articles. - Free technical support (unlimited, telephone/e-mail or fax). "WinNET will hold you spellbound .." PC Magazine, Sep. '94 H o w t o R e g i s t e r IMPORTANT: When you register, you will need to provide us with the following information: 1. Your 'Full Name' as it appears on the 'Help'/'About' box of WinNET Mail and News. This is the name you enter when setting up the program. Please be able to provide this to us *exactly*, INCLUDING ANY PUNCTUATION MARKS -- such as periods after any initials in your name. 2. Your 'EMail Address' as it appears in the 'Help'/'About' box. This was also entered during the setup process. 3. If you wish to pay your registration with a credit card, you will need a valid, current card with a sufficient balance to cover the cost of registration. We accept the following credit cards: Visa Mastercard American Express Diner's Club JCB Discover Carte Blanche 4. If you wish to pay by check or money order, please note that any check must be in U.S. dollars drawn on U.S. banks. Once you have this information, you can register in ANY OF THE FOLLOWING WAYS: -*-> B y E-M a i l Internet: CompuServe: 76130,1463 In your message, please include the registration form at the end of this file, or include substantially the same information in your message. We will respond to you with your license number by e-mail within 48 hours of receipt of your message. -*-> B y P h o n e (800) 589 5999 Our support staff will take down your registration information over the phone, and supply your registration license number. You will again need a credit card. -*-> B y M a i l Please include the registration form at the end of this file, or include substantially the same information in a letter or message, addressed to us at: WinNET Communications, Inc. P.O Box 4189 Louisville, KY 40204 -*-> B y F a x (502) 589 7300 - Please include the registration form at the end of this message, or include substantially the same information in your fax. Site license pricing is available as well as wholesale pricing for qualified retailers and resellers. ---------- cut here ------------- R E G I S T R A T I O N F O R M WinNET Mail and News (TM) 2.50 Name: ------------------------------------ Company/Address: ------------------------------------ ------------------------------------ ------------------------------------ Your Telephone Number: ------------------------------------ (include area/country code) Registration Info (Capitalization and Punctuation must be exact) ----------------- Your Full Name (from 'About' box): ------------------------------------ EMail Address (from 'About' box): ------------------------------------ Credit Card Orders Please Check: [ ] MasterCard [ ] Visa [ ] JCB ------------------ [ ] American Express [ ] Discover [ ] Carte Blanche [ ] Diners Club Credit Card Number:____________________________________ Expiration Date: Month_______ Year________ Cardholder's Signature: (for Mail or Fax orders) ---------------------------------- Price Calculation Single User Registration Fee: $39.95 ----------------- Shipping and Handling: U.S. $3.50 Canada & Mexico $5.00 UK & Europe $9.00 All Other Countries $12.00 Registration Fee: ----------- Kentucky residents add 6% Sales Tax: ----------- Shipping and Handling: ----------- Total Cost: ----------- Checks or Money orders: Make payable in U.S. currency on a U.S. bank. Credit card payments may be sent via mail, E-Mail, FAX, or telephone. WinNET Communications, Inc. Internet: P.O. Box 4189 CompuServe: 76130,1463 Louisville, KY 40204 Fax: (502) 589-7300 U.S.A. Telephone: (502) 589-6800 (800) 589 5999 How did you receive your copy of WinNET Mail (TM)? -- Thanks! [ ] CompuServe [ ] BIX [ ] Genie [ ] AOL [ ] Other BBS ________________ [ ] Catalog ______________________ [ ] Other _____________________________